It’s never just wine. All #vinoumano #humanwine stories

We played with empathy, ambiguity, metaphors, puns and then the project #vinoumano #humanwine was born: tales of wine between the serious and humorous.


Talking to whom takes care of the wine from the vine to the bottle we quickly realize that around a wine there’s much to tell: how we produce it, what it looks like, how it changes over time and how it expresses its territory. The winemakers and winegrowers talk about their wine in a passionate and engaging way, and they do so as if they were talking about themselves or a son, a family member, a friend or a lover.

Observing this process of humanization we were seduced and we decided to exploit, even with lightness and informality, this human component of the approachs and of the stories of the winegrowers. We played with empathy, ambiguity, metaphors, puns did the project #vinoumano, tales of wine between the serious and humorous .

“What gender it is?” “How old is he?” “Where is he from?” “If it could speak what would you say?” Tell us about your wine… and much more!


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