After the holidays still sparkling! We do a virtual tour in Franciacorta: San Cristoforo pas dosé 2009

Bruno Dotti, who is the owner of the farm San Cristoforo, is an indipendent winegrower FIVI and presents his pas dosé Franciacorta 2009 Blanc de Blancs chardonnay 100%, at the wine fair Mercato dei vini dei Vignaioli Indipendenti FIVI in Piacenza.

At the first metaphorical #vinoumano question, that one about the gender, the smiling Mr. Brown has no doubts, his pas dosé is definitely a male, because it’s dry, without sugar. And about the age it’s clearly a teenager because it isn’t yet in its highest expression, it still needs to grow to reveal the best.

The color is straw yellow with green highlights that with the passage of time tend to golden. Its scent is reminiscent of the mineral and gingerbread and ripe yellow apple and vanilla, it’s spicy. The flavor is full-bodied, with good structure and acidity, and the finish is soft. As regards gastronomic combinations it goes perfectly with oysters, raw fish and pasta dishes based on fish. But let’s see…



St. Christopher is a family farm founded by Bruno Dotti and family in 1992 and is located in Erbusco (BS) in the heart of Franciacorta. It consists of twelve hectares of vineyards – especially chardonnay and pinot noir – worked with a lot of passion in the most scrupulous respect of the product specification and special care from the vineyard to the cellar.



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